It's Official!

After nearly 2 decades as Necessitea, that era has closed with our next step by officially becoming My Necessitea, LLC. After a hiatus early on in our journey, someone took our URL of and offered to sell it back at $2500. Instead we decided to protest by changing our URL. That has confused people over the years so we made a decision to officially become the same name as our URL.

We have pared down the flavors of tea that we offer to the core flavors that people have looked to find and consume the most.

In addition to our changes, we have dropped our prices except one, Rosey Blues. Kava Kava has now become a very popular product and the ingredient has skyrocketed. Until we find a suitable new vendor to purchase from, you will find that we have been wiped out of our stock of it.

Finally, we have added an option to join our monthly newsletter upon your checkout. That way you can keep up with our news of sales and events. We hope you will join us at future events.

Happy New Year from My Necessitea, LLC!